Cardiometabolic syndrome is a multifaceted condition involving a complex interplay of metabolic dysregulation, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and diabetes risk factors, including obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Insulin resistance is central to cardiometabolic disease, causing glucoregulation defects, inflammation, impaired fat tissue function, and endothelial dysfunction. Current therapies for cardiometabolic health are effective but have limitations, such as blood glucose fluctuations, dose adjustments, long-term side effects, and limited effectiveness across the entire disease spectrum.
Therefore, an effective therapy for cardiometabolic health should include the following clinical features:
- Standalone efficacy in addressing entire cardiometabolic disease spectrum
- Complementary effect with standard therapies
- Effectively achieve the targeted improvements in all major efficacy parameters
- Multimodal mechanism of action
- Long term safety